[Simple-cdd-devel] help

yuyetingqin yuyetingqin at 163.com
Tue Mar 2 06:41:16 UTC 2010

hello,i want add self-built packages to CD.i follow this.

Add custom files onto your installer CD 
To copy an arbitrary file into the /simple-cdd directory on the CD, add the following to your .conf file: 
all_extras="$all_extras $simple_cdd_dir/profiles/custom-file"
Where profiles/custom-file is a file in your custom simple-cdd directory. 
use this command
build-simple-cdd --local-packages /home/cddebian/crm_1.0.0_non-free_i386.deb --profiles NAME 
but have this error.
/home/cddebian/crm_1.0.0_non-free_i386.deb: component guessed as 'main'
Skipping inclusion of 'crm' '1.0.0' in 'lenny|main|i386', as it has already '1.0.0'.

Installing (and possibly deleting) packages...
no new dependencies, finished in 2 attempts.
ERROR: missing required packages from profile NAME:  crm_1.0.0_non-free_i386.deb

can you help me? thanks.


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