[Simple-cdd-devel] Simple-cdd and usb stick extra files

Lucas Brasilino lucas.brasilino at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 18:53:10 UTC 2011

Hi Francesco:

> This is the output, I don't see any Section or priority metadata:
>  nuovo pacchetto debian, versione 2.0.
>  dimensione 104964 byte: archivio di controllo= 321 byte.
>       0 byte,     0 righe      conffiles
>     270 byte,     9 righe      control
>  Package: ooobasis3.2-onlineupdate
>  Version: 3.2.1-18
>  Maintainer: Oracle
>  Architecture: amd64
>  Description: Online update modul for OpenOffice.org 3.2
>  Copyright: 1999-2010 by Oracle
>  Online update modul for OpenOffice.org 3.2
>  Depends: ooobasis3.2-core01
>  Installed-Size: 10

Well.... you can try to modify this package adding those metadata.
It's a bit odd, but should

Do something like:

$ mkdir -p ooo/DEBIAN/
$ dpkg-deb --control ooobasis3.2-onlineupdate<complete with full
filename> ooo/DEBIAN/
$ dpkg-deb --extract ooobasis3.2-onlineupdate<complete with full filename> ooo/
$ vi ooo/DEBIAN/control

And add in control file, for example:

Priority: optional
Section: editors

save and quit from vi

$ dpkg-deb --build ooo/ ooobasis3.2-onlineupdate<complete with full filename>

This way, I get a new package with a modified control file.

> Instead GlusterFS has both and is working.


Lucas Brasilino

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