[Simple-cdd-devel] Bug#611635: simple-cdd: --qemu doesn't find the image

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at freegeek.org
Fri Feb 4 21:49:37 UTC 2011

tags 611635 pending
tags 611635 patch

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 03:04:48PM +0100, =?UTF-8?Q?M=C3=BCller-Reineke at busoni.debian.org wrote:
> ERROR: CD image not readable: /home/mueller/my-simple-cdd2/images/debian-60-amd64-CD-1.iso
> mueller at gvml330:~/my-simple-cdd2$ find -name \*.iso
> ./images/debian-6.0-amd64-CD-1.iso

i've committed the following patch to bzr:

=== modified file 'tools/testing/qemu'
--- tools/testing/qemu  2010-06-20 08:31:34 +0000
+++ tools/testing/qemu  2011-02-04 21:11:48 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,16 @@

 # set some defaults
 test -z "$hd_img" && hd_img="$simple_cdd_dir/qemu-test.hd.img"
-test -z "$cd_img" && cd_img="$OUT/${CDNAME:-debian}-$(echo $DEBVERSION | sed -e 's/[. ]//g')-$(echo $ARCHES | tr ' ' '-')-CD-1.iso"
+if [ -z "$cd_img" ]; then
+    # check alternate locations for cd images...
+    for x in $DEBVERSION $(echo $DEBVERSION | sed -e 's/[. ]//g'); do
+        cd_img="$OUT/${CDNAME:-debian}-$x-$(echo $ARCHES | tr ' ' '-')-CD-1.iso"
+        if [ -r "$cd_img" ]; then
+           echo "found cd image: $cd_img"
+           break
+        fi
+    done

 # detect if qemu/kvm support is available.
 if [ "false" != "$autodetect_kvm" ] && [ -c "/dev/kvm" ]; then

you can copy /usr/share/simple-cdd/tools/testing/qemu to your working dir
tools/testing/qemu and patch it there.

unfortunately this isn't significant enough to really warrant a freeze
exception this late in the process.  will be uploading a new version after
squeeze releases (presumably tomorrow?). 

live well,

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