[Simple-cdd-devel] SPLASH

Paulo Ricardo Bruck paulobruck1 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 14:31:24 UTC 2011

Hi guys 

me again , as i have some questions I'll do it at different emails....8)

reading /usr/share/simple-cdd/README and simple-cdd how-to and mailing list ( as I remember nov/2010) I  trying to insert a SPLASH at the begining of installation but it's not working...

using debian 5.0.7 and simple-cdd-0.3.13

#) cat profiles/default.conf

profiles="base cerberus hercules mercurio hades apolo"
local_packages="/home/pauloric/scriptsdebian/pool/base /home/pauloric/scriptsdebian/pool/cerberus /home/pauloric/scriptsdebian/pool/hercules /home/pauloric/scriptsdebian/pool/mercurio /home/pauloric/scriptsdebian/pool/hades /home/pauloric/scriptsdebian/pool/apolo"


mirror_components="main contrib non-free"


export KERNEL_PARAMS="preseed/file=/cdrom/simple-cdd/default.preseed noapic nolapic"
export SPLASHPNG="/home/zeus/zeus-teste/splash.png"

$) file splash.png
splash.png: PNG image, 640 x 320, 4-bit colormap, non-interlaced

$) ls -l splash.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 pauloric pauloric 7914 Jan 10 15:09 splash.png

at the end of simple-cdd...

ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 15 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 16 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
204800 pixels, 20655 bytes, (79.83% compression)
Starting the md5sum.txt file

What am I doing wrong ???

best regards

Paulo Ricardo Bruck
Consultor Linux

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