[Simple-cdd-devel] Vanillux install cd

Lucas Brasilino lucas.brasilino at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 13:10:02 UTC 2011

Hi Fabrice:

> -First i do not know how to disable the security repository (we don't
> have one yet, too soon), so it try's debian's

Well... I'm not using simple-cdd currently, but I think you can try


In your profile's conf file.

> -Second: well it fails with some rather vague errors. it calls for
> missing packages that i know are in our repository, and dosent seam to
> try to pull any of the packages related to the ones in our profile.
> Here is the output i get:
> http://pastebin.com/cevTMV5i

Well, this error:

ERROR: missing required packages from profile default:  simple-cdd-profiles

I've always got. What I've done was download simple-cdd-profiles from
repository, put it in
a directory and use the --local-packages pointing to that directory. Maybe using
'--extra-udeb-dist squeeze' works, but I do not remember if I tried.

> http://pastebin.com/0w5PCACG

Remember that simple-cdd is a kind of 'wrapper' to many other tools
and technologies. So it
relies over them. The error (line 447)

find: `/home/fabrice/Desktop/cd/vanillux-s-cdd/tmp//cd-build/stable/CD1/pool':
No such file or directory

should be that d-i was not pulled from repository, as said on line 16-17:

2011-07-19 00:04:40 ERROR 404: Not Found.

So, you should investigate every problem with attention. Sometimes
debugging build-simple-cdd script
(running it with bash's -x option) helps :-)

Lucas Brasilino

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