[Simple-cdd-devel] Bug#640344: simple-cdd fails to preseed passwords

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at freegeek.org
Sun Sep 4 19:45:54 UTC 2011

On Sun, Sep 04, 2011 at 02:27:41PM +0200, Tom wrote:
> When trying to preseed a password with simple-cdd, eg passwd/root-password-crypted,
> simple-cdd fails with the following error message:
> debconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: could not open /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat: Permission denied
> error: Cannot find a question for passwd/root-password-crypted
> because the question for the existing template is in the inaccessible passwords.dat

simple-cdd uses "debconf-set-selections --checkonly" to check the preseed 
files, but as you've noticed, debconf questions in passwords.dat cannot be 
checked by non-root users.

to work around this, i'd recommend using --force-preseed, and just make sure 
the syntax of your preseeding files is valid. alternately you could run as 
root, but that's discouraged and would require the --force-root option.

live well,

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