[Simple-cdd-devel] Bug#760309: Bug#760309: simple-cdd: build of squeeze image fails due to missing images/SHA256SUMS file

Kai Harries kai.harries at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 19:29:23 UTC 2014

Maybe not the most elegant solution, but here is what I have come up with.

Kind regards,


On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 1:15 AM, Vagrant Cascadian <vagrant at debian.org> wrote:
> On 2014-09-05 14:07:36 -0500, Kai Harries wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 7:43 PM, Vagrant Cascadian <vagrant at debian.org> wrote:
>>>  # set path to include simple-cdd dirs
>>>  simple_cdd_path=""
>>> @@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ if [ "true" = "$do_mirror" ] || [ -z "$do_mirror" ] ; then
>>>                  i386|amd64) di_match_files="/cdrom" ;;
>>>                  *) di_match_files="." ;;
>>>              esac
>>> -            checksum_files="$checksum_files dists/$DI_CODENAME/main/installer-$a/$di_release/images/SHA256SUMS"
>>> +            checksum_files="$checksum_files dists/$DI_CODENAME/main/installer-$a/$di_release/images/${checksum_file_type}"
>>>          done
>>>      fi
>>>      # run mirroring hooks
>> I have not tested it, but it looks like a good solution.
> I committed and pushed a version of the above patch to bzr...
>>> I recall debian-cd having poor support for building images other than
>>> the running distro, so you may also need to get fixes into debian-cd for
>>> that to work... or run your builds in a chroot of compatible
>>> distribution.
>>> I'm not sure how much energy I want to put into support for oldstable in
>>> general; I am not particularly fond of special casing on a
>>> per-distribution level.
>> But then it would be nice if you mention it in the documentation
>> (sorry, if I have overseen it)
> I'll try to come up with some updates to documentation,
> too... suggestions would be most welcome.
>> and maybe even add a check that aborts the build with an error message
>> if someone tries to create incompatible distributions with it.
> It's non-trivial to detect "incompatible distributions", given that the
> only symptom is that debian-cd may fail to build.
> live well,
>   vagrant
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'simple-cdd.1'
--- simple-cdd.1	2009-08-04 08:37:44 +0000
+++ simple-cdd.1	2014-09-07 18:59:58 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
 Specify a configuration file
-Specify a distribution (etch, lenny, sid)
+Specify a distribution (jessie, sid). Only the current or newer distributions
+are officially supported. Trying to build older distributions may or may not
 Enable graphical installer by default

-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'build-simple-cdd'
--- build-simple-cdd	2014-09-05 23:05:09 +0000
+++ build-simple-cdd	2014-09-07 19:21:09 +0000
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
       shift ;;
     --dist) export CODENAME="$2"
       shift ;;
+    --let-me-try-it) try_it="true" ;;
     -g|--g|--graphical-installer) export ISOLINUX_DEFAULT="installgui" ;;
     --serial-console|-s) use_serial_console="true" ;;
     --do-mirror) do_mirror="true" ;;
@@ -222,6 +223,13 @@
 test -z "$DOJIGDO" && export DOJIGDO="0"
 test -z "$MAXJIGDOS" && export MAXJIGDOS="0"
+if [ "$CODENAME" != "jessie" ] && [ "$CODENAME" != "sid" ] && [ "$try_it" != "true" ]
+    echo "'$CODENAME' is no officially supported distribution. If you " \
+         "nonetheless want to try it, then use the option --let-me-try-it."
+    exit 1
 export MIRROR="$simple_cdd_mirror"
 export BASEDIR="$simple_cdd_basedir"
 export TDIR="$simple_cdd_temp/cd-build"

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