[Splashy-devel] Re: A Splashy Configuration Tool

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 03:33:52 UTC 2005

Ce ici est trés bien!


I find this very good! The only thing I'll like to suggest is that
instead of choosing what images to use, it should use the themes.

Now, the future plans for themes is that they will be self-contained
in their own directories. /etc/splashy/config.xml will be the config
file and /etc/splashy/themes/default/config.xml will be the config
file for the particular theme called "default".

We will be incorporating code to support this soon. So, if you want to
help us doing this, please let me know.

Now about the XML parser, if you need help using it, let me know.
Perhaps you need to do something in particular... the parser is meant
to be an application on itself (see the main() code in the bottom? I
used this for testing it). Let's join minds and try to get this to

We are usually on #splashy irc.freenode.net. Please join us there so
that we can discuss the details of this with the rest of the crew.

I have CC the -devel list so that we can archive this conversation better ;-)

I'll try to put the image you sent me in splashy.alioth.debian.org and
make a link to it from the wiki.

On 8/11/05, Vincent Amouret <vincent.amouret at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I use Splashy on my Ubuntu and I see there isn't any configuration
> tool for Splashy.
> So, I began to build one for Gnome using Anjuta and Glade.
> It's a simple window with the fields we can find in the config.xml file.
> That creates the config.xml file and permits to see a preview whit the commands:
> - splashy boot
> - splashy shutdown
> I parse the /etc/splashy/config.xml file to fill the fields at start
> of the program
> using the libxml parser
> (i see you made a xml parser but i had some errors using it,
> and i haven't search any more nor why)
> I join you a screenshot.
> If that interest you or if you  want more information (source code,
> ...), send me an e-mail.
> P.S.:  Afflicted for my English, I'm French.
> --
> - Vincent Amouret -

Luis M
System Administrator

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No .doc: http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

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