[Splashy-devel] Splashy meeting on IRC

Luis lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 12:44:20 UTC 2006

Well, I knew I had something to do for Sunday during the day, but only
now I remember it ... That's why I wanted the meeting to be originally
at 12 UTC (8 am here. Right now it's UTC-4 here, daylight savings
time). In any case, can we push the meeting from 18:00 UTC to 20:00
UTC (4 pm here). It would be even better if we can push it to a later
hour, but it might be inconvenient for you guys in UTC+1 timezones.

The reason is that I'll be in a company picnic since the morning and
it is an hour drive to get there (and to come back home). And since
the picnic is in a park, I don't think i'll be able to find internet
to get on IRC.

New meeting time Sun Aug 13th at 20:00 UTC.

What do you think?

On 8/10/06, Luis <lemsx1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, since most of us agree about 18:00 UTC, let's push it to that time then.
> We will keep logs of the conversation in the wiki and whoever miss the
> meeting can go back to the wiki, read it, and send his/her comments to
> the mailing lists.
> Any other ideas?
> On 8/9/06, Otavio Salvador <otavio at debian.org> wrote:
> > Luis <lemsx1 at gmail.com> writes:
> >
> > > Now we need to agree on a time that's feasible for those on different
> > > parts of the planet. How about:
> > >
> > > Sun Aug 13th at 12:00 PM UTC
> > >
> > > For us in the EST timezone that should be 8am. And for those of you in
> > > +1 timezones should be 13:00 hours. Let me know what you think.
> >
> > What about 18:00 UTC?
> >
> > To me is best since 12:00 UTC isn't possible to me.
> >
> > --
> >         O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
> > ---------------------------------------------
> >  E-mail: otavio at debian.org      UIN: 5906116
> >  GNU/Linux User: 239058     GPG ID: 49A5F855
> >  Home Page: http://www.freedom.ind.br/otavio
> > ---------------------------------------------
> > "Microsoft gives you Windows ... Linux gives
> >  you the whole house."
> >
> --
> ----)(-----
> Luis Mondesi
> *NIX Guru
> Kiskeyix.org
> "We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and
> you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" --
> Steve Jobs in an interview for MacWorld Magazine 2004-Feb
> No .doc: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru


"We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and
you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" --
Steve Jobs in an interview for MacWorld Magazine 2004-Feb

No .doc: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

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