[Splashy-devel] Commit UNIX sockets

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Thu Aug 17 17:07:21 UTC 2006

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 12:18:15 -0300
Otavio Salvador <otavio at debian.org> wrote:

> Tim Dijkstra <newsuser at famdijkstra.org> writes:
> >> Yes, indeed. But in that case we might have a way to handle the
> >> return status as we do nowadays and use it to progress the bar.
> >> Just in case we lack the lsb support for a script.
> >
> > ? I don't understand what you're trying to say...
> >
> > I was just thinking that we do not need all scripts to use the
> > lsb-functions, it just means we have less granular updating of the
> > progress bar. If for example we have four init scripts, and the
> > first one hasn't but second has lsb support. We just update the
> > progress bar to 50% after the second one. If the first one gains
> > lsb-functions we will have a smoother bar (0, 25%, 50%, etc), but
> > as long as a few scripts use log_msg, it will work non the less.
> Yes but we need to detect which ones already finished (using return
> status of pid) and then do  the math to update the progressbar. Just
> it.

Well, I think we can do it all in the log_*_msg functions. At moment 
a script calls log_end_msg we know it is finished. All we have to do 
is replace the log_end_msg function from lsb-base with our own. 
In this function we determine the progress number and call
update-splashy "progress $number", et voila.
But indeed, we do however need to calculate the progress bar steps at
some point. We could write a simple program that does this and stores
it to a file under /lib. If could contain something like

udev 3
mountvirtfs 5
lvm 8

The log_end_msg could then realy easily get a progress number by awk
or grep. Or we could build it in splashy_update, or splashy itself.

grts Tim
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