[Splashy-devel] /proc/cmdline (was: Re: Slow from initramfs)

Vincenzo Ampolo vincenzo.ampolo at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 13:16:31 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 13:04 +0200, Tim Dijkstra wrote:
> Maybe they already have that. But you're right I don't think a
> distribution will add a vga=xxx line for you, so they will have to
> edit
> lilo.conf or menu.list some time anyway. 

I can say you more. First version of upower/usplash/splashy (the one
that i relased alone in c++ code) was installed with:

apt-get install usplash (yep i called it first usplash, but it had the
same code of splashy in c++)

and the postinst script recognized the correct vga=xxx value
from /etc/X11/xorg.conf and added it to menu.lst.

This until we discovered that changing a configuration file of another
package in "illegal".

Btw the code is still there in the debian/postinst script, it's

But things seems to change: if we provide support for vga16fb (like
usplash does) we can have a 16 colour splashy without touching the vga
value (it's not needed anymore)... I think that i'll talk about this in
the next meeting :D
Vincenzo Ampolo
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