[Splashy-devel] static linking, uswusp-splashy

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Thu Aug 31 11:32:52 UTC 2006


[Otavio: I'm CC-ing because Makefile.am says you know about the hack]

So I have a few questions about src/Makefile.am:

1) Why are we statically linking? Is this because we want to put it on
an initramfs? copy_exec will also copy the needed libs, so that's not an
excuse... ;) OTOH, that's a debianism... 

2) Why do we have this DFBHACK?

Can't find that much info about directfb and their driver architecture,
the docs on their site do not talk much about that. Why do we need to
link explicitly to all those gfxdrivers? Wouldn't it be enough to just
link in libdirectfb_fbdev, maybe we won't have acceleration that way,
but that can't be that big a problem for us...


OK, I did some more testing. I don't think we need those gfxdirvers. It
works great without. And to answer 2) this is precisely because of 1),

I'm reworking splashy in the 0.3 branch. It now builds two libraries
libsplashy and libsplashycnf. The binaries are now dynamically linked
against these libraries. I didn't commit a new /debian yet (should I do
that under debian-related/branches?) but I've finished that too. 

The reason I've made it dynamic is because I've also (almost) finished
my patch against uswsusp to add splashy support. This was actually the
whole reason of libsplashy. If we make an initramfs with both splashy
and uswsusp it will need only one copy of libsplashy. 

Note that for now uswusp and splashy don't play nice together. 

I'll probably put packages for libsplashy and uswsusp online tonight.

grts Tim

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