[Splashy-devel] static linking, uswusp-splashy

Pat Suwalski pats at xandros.com
Thu Aug 31 20:46:33 UTC 2006

Tim Dijkstra wrote:
> Hmm, OK, did you test that? I don't know much about the internals of
> the framebuffer a/o directfb, but I would think all these drivers expose
> a fb-device which have the basic stuff in common...  
> The stupid thing is that I can't really find that much docs on
> directfb, so this is just theory;)

Off hand, the certain answer is "I don't remember."

But, thinking deeper, I have some recollection of trying to remove some 
drivers, and then it not working on intel-fb or something like that.

Looking at my patches, I only see that I changed "--font=default" to 
"--font=default,ft2" for the added text area.

The other thought that lingers in my head is that removing stuff with 
the sarge version of directfb caused things to not link or otherwise 
run. I remember a big bug being fixed in unstable that helped building, 
and it had to do with static vs. dynamic linking. The changelog isn't 
stirring any more thoughts.

Of course, I could be completely, absolutely out to lunch with these 


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