[Splashy-devel] Re: Fwd: libdirectfb ft2.a

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 21:27:03 UTC 2006

Hello Pat,

On 2/26/06, Pat Suwalski <pats at xandros.com> wrote:
> Luis M wrote:
> > Ah, you are the reason why Splashy tt font support is working now... I
> > didn't realize it. I installed the latest package included in Ubuntu
> > Dapper (perhaps that's the one you are talking about).
> I actually can't, for the life of me, get the default bitmap font going
> with splashy or even a seperate directfb project...
> I've read the directfb code and set the font name and description to
> NULL, but it always comes back with a missing implementation error.

You are compiling statically? If you are, does your link line looks like:


Also, what version of directfb are you using? right now mine shows:
$> dpkg --list libdirectfb-dev
ii  libdirectfb-de 0.9.22-8ubuntu frame buffer graphics library, development f

That's because i'm using ubuntu dapper. It might be the case that this
is the latest libdirectfb-dev package from Debian unstable. But I
can't confirm this.

Can you at least get splashy to compile as is in svn now? in my case
it works like a charm.

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

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