[Splashy-devel] Pixel-Precise Patch.

Pat Suwalski pats at xandros.com
Tue Feb 28 17:35:29 UTC 2006


I wrote a pixel-precise patch that allows perfect placement of the 
progressbar based on the background resolution but independent of screen 

This patch is on old source and conflicts with the border patch I sent 
in last week, but it's only about 10 lines so it shouldn't be hard to merge.

It works as follows:


If <width> and <height> are not specified, it falls back to percentages.

It's simple and I'm rather happy with how it works.

-------------- next part --------------
--- video.c.orig        2006-02-28 11:26:56.000000000 -0500
+++ video.c        2006-02-28 11:37:39.000000000 -0500
@@ -148,18 +148,39 @@
 video_draw_progressbar (splashy_video_t * video, DFBRectangle * progressbar)
         gint screen_width, screen_height;
+        /* Source image width and height */
+        gint sourceWidth, sourceHeight, dividerW, dividerH;
         guint rectangle_red, rectangle_green, rectangle_blue, rectangle_alpha;
+        /* If a source image width and height is specified, assume
+         * pixel-precise placement of progress bar rather than percentage. */
+        sourceWidth = xml_parser_get_int("/splashy/background/width", 10);
+        sourceHeight = xml_parser_get_int("/splashy/background/height", 10);
+        if (sourceWidth > 0 && sourceHeight > 0)
+        {
+                /* The value is based on specified units */
+                dividerW = sourceWidth;
+                dividerH = sourceHeight;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                /* The value is based on percentage */
+                dividerW = dividerH = 100;
+        }
         video->surface->GetSize (video->surface, &screen_width, &screen_height);
         progressbar->x = screen_width *
-                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/x", 10) / 100;
+                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/x", 10) / dividerW;
         progressbar->y = screen_height *
-                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/y", 10) / 100;
+                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/y", 10) / dividerH;
         progressbar->w = screen_width *
-                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/width", 10) / 100;
+                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/width", 10) / dividerW;
         progressbar->h = screen_height *
-                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/height", 10) / 100;
+                xml_parser_get_int ("/splashy/progressbar/height", 10) / dividerH;
         if (progressbar->x < 0 ||
                         progressbar->y < 0 || progressbar->w < 0 || progressbar->h < 0)

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