[Splashy-devel] Translucent Text Area Patch.

Pat Suwalski pats at xandros.com
Fri Mar 17 20:37:51 UTC 2006

Pat Suwalski wrote:
> Technical details:
> - It uses a subsurface, so that if the text is too big, it's simply
>   cut off.
> - I pulled out the code to determine the divider factor based on
>   pixels or percent to a function that can be used anywhere in video.c.
> - It is cool. :)

I should add also that the design is with two surfaces: one is a 
subsurface of the main background, and the other is a purely 
non-video-memory buffer.

In the initialization function "video_start_text_area" the text box is 
drawn against the background image and its translucent/modified area is 
saved to a the non-video-memory surface.

Every time text is drawn, the clean tinted background is retrieved and 
blitted onto the main background, then the text is drawn.

That should be a lot more efficient than copying, alpha-blitting a 
rectangle, and drawing back every time.

Hopefully this eMail clarifies the technical specifics. As I say, I'm 
really fond of this patch. :)


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