[Splashy-devel] Translucent Text Area Patch.

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 05:04:53 UTC 2006

Hey Pat,

Well, I must say this is one of the most, if not the most, expected
features for Splashy. I have to thank you again for sending us this
marvelous piece of work!

Now, I finished translating the patch to the current code in splashy
and everything compiled fine, and seem to work fine (i was testing
under Qemu using Xgl and things are not easy to see there. I'll reboot
this box in a moment and do a real test). I had to clean the patch a
little bit and use our variable name conventions and such, but that's
mostly syntax beautifying.

When I tried to "print" a string to the text box I got a fatal error:

(!) [ 6903: 0.000 ] --> Caught signal 11 (at 0x41b60000, invalid
permissions) <--

This happens whether I enabled or disabled the textbox in the
theme.xml file (old config.xml theme configuration file).

Would you mind taking a quick look at splashy_video.c (old video.c) in
SVN and see if I got everything right? I have the feeling that I
might've used the wrong var name somewhere... or something simple like

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

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you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" --
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No .doc: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

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