[Splashy-devel] Translucent Text Area Patch.

Pat Suwalski pats at xandros.com
Wed Mar 22 06:39:37 UTC 2006

Luis M wrote:
>> (!) [ 6903: 0.000 ] --> Caught signal 11 (at 0x41b60000, invalid
>> permissions) <--
> It turns out that you only see this error on qemu and not on the real
> hardware card. The patch worked like a charm!

I was going to look at this in more detail tomorrow. I can't imagine
what would cause bad permission errors, especially at the directfb
level. Nothing the patch does should alter that behaviour.

> Now i only need to figure out how to scroll text and put the console
> text there...

I've always wondered why that functionality is requested, when one can
just hit Escape to get all the messages they may or may not want. Still,
having a little single-line text area like this is useful. It makes our
boot up process very nice with the occasional message.


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