[Splashy-devel] Translucent Text Area Patch.

Pat Suwalski pats at xandros.com
Thu Mar 23 14:34:49 UTC 2006

Luis M wrote:
> I agree. But I guess people just want to peek into why the boot
> process is taking long and then go back to enjoying their own
> themes/images. F2 toggling the textbox would give them that (at a
> price: memory wasted! but hey, this is what is all about: wasting idle
> resources).

Hm. I've never seen it as a problem for a single key to make splashy go 
away completely. In fact, it is possible to erase the background and 
keep the progress bar going, which is almost the same.

> I wonder if splashy would make sense when the Linux kernel boots in 4
> seconds (as it's planned). Would we ever get there?

My kernel boots in 4 seconds. It's userland that takes forever.


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