[Splashy-devel] Translucent Text Area Patch.

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 19:31:19 UTC 2006

I was able to add the scrolling functionality to Splashy. Now we only
need a way to let the offscreen surfaced to be cleared properly (right
now it keeps drawing on top of itself blending the colors -- only
visible if you use a number in alpha less than 255 (like 127 or less)
in your theme).

if anybody has an idea how to fix this, be my guess. I tried
everything i could think of.

the splashy default theme has to be changed a bit to allow the text to
be displayed better on top of the semi-transparent textbox.

the toggle F2 functionality needs a bit more of work, and we need to
detect (regex) when things go wrong in the console and set the textbox

I modified the textbox functionality so that it doesn't get displayed
until you do the first print of text to it. That way we can use it for
both "print foo" and F2 toggle. That said, autoverboseonerror should
imply that the textbox area is enabled. (this also needs a bit of

I merged all my code for all to see/enjoy.

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

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