[Splashy-devel] Splash during kernel startup

Eric Moret eric.moret at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 23:31:27 CET 2007

> Nothing can start before the kernel... 

... Unless the kernel is patched and displays the splash itself.

Maybe the documentation should state this more clearly? Even people on the
lkml seem to be mislead by the user vs kernel space nature of splashy and
use this as an argument to dismiss inclusion of the fbsplash patch into main

Most other linux splash projects have userspace components in addition to
the patched kernel. In the absense of a patched kernel they just behave the
same way as splashy (support for various resolutions and depth on vesafb +
progress bar). I believe the splashy project should differentiate itself
from other splash projects by not putting so much emphasis on userspace.


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