[Splashy-devel] Splashy moving forward

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 10:41:34 UTC 2007

Hello all,

Very good news!

If you direct yourself to bootsplash.org, you will notice that
Splashy's mention there as "superseding" bootsplash kernel patch and
user-space tools!

That means that we will be getting a flood of new users.

There is also a hint that Mandriva as well as SuSE will join Xandros
and start to use Splashy as their default boot splash system!

We need all the help we can get from the rpm-based distributions so
that we can start posting spec files together with our release
tarball. This will allow them to make binary packages for their

Thanks for all of you who take a lot of time to make sure Splashy
keeps moving forward.


p.s. we are getting closer and closer to being the only boot splash
system out there.
p.s.s. I'll be away on vacation next week. Tim and Otavio will be
around if you need something.

Luis Mondesi

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