Bug#414668: [Splashy-devel] Bug#414668: splashy: improper shutdown

Tim Dijkstra tim at famdijkstra.org
Tue Mar 20 22:09:14 UTC 2007

tags 414668 +moreinfo

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:09:11 +0100
Gijs Hillenius <gijs at hillenius.net> wrote:

> Installed Splashy last week. Since then, when booting not all scripts
> in rc2.d are started, at least not at every boot (eg anacron, cron,
> and more).
> Removed splashy from grub/menu.lst fixes that.
> I'm guessing this means splashy does not shut down properly. Maybe
> something similar to bug #398240: splashy freeze on shutdown.

I'm not sure what splashy shutting down or not has to do with these
other jobs. Splashy forks to the background and the boot process
continues just like it would without it. If in the end you have a ?dm
starting that would show that you boot process continued.

It would help of you know for sure what jobs are and which aren't
started. Maybe you can stick some test-scripts in your /etc/rc2.d
that write to a logfile to see where the boot process stopped.

BTW, you are not using splashy from initramfs, are you?

grts Tim
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