[Splashy-devel] Splashy spec file for fedora 8

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 04:43:29 UTC 2007

Thanks very much! Life saver!

I'll test and commit. Did you test against Fedora 7 as well?

On Nov 27, 2007 10:00 PM, rehan khan <rehan.khan at dsl.pipex.com> wrote:

>  Hi
> Really like splashy. Great effort. I was lucky you guys moved to a shared
> library install recently otherwise I would have had to build all the static
> libs myself (/groan).
> I have modified the default spec file to the point where it can be built
> on Fedora 8, so I guess any Red Hat based distro with a few modifications.
> I wanted to install the files into the base /sbin but I couldn't figure
> that bit out (or it just wouldn't do it).
> A couple of issue I can see:
> The lib dir is hardcoded to /usr/lib. 64 bit OS's need this to be
> /usr/lib64 but this might change in future. This might be better handled in
> the configure/autogen.
> the language files were not being packaged so I added a line in %files
> (there is a language command but it was commented out.)
> The softlink to the themes directory was moved to a post install step.
> Once the ln command uses rpm variables this should add some flexibility.
> I have splashy run as early as possible during boot so it is in rc.sysintright after udev is started and /dev/fb0 is available. Of course this is
> undesirable because fedora are unlikely to make splashy replace rhgb
> (redhat's version of splashy) in the near future. However it works and works
> quite well.
> I thought I would let you have this even though it is a bit rough around
> the edges just to get some of the changes into 0.3.7. On a side note I am
> loading the nvidia proprietary driver from kernel video=nvidia and splashy
> seems to work great using this driver.
> Cheers
> Rehan

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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