[Splashy-devel] Important project updates

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 03:29:34 UTC 2007

Hello all,

I have a few things to announce.

* Qsplashy (qt based front-end for splashy_config) has been born and it's
already in our Git repo [1]
* Gsplashy is strong and almost ready for prime time. 0.3.7 will be the
first release of Splashy to include/recommend Gsplashy [1]
* Fedora 8 spec files were added to Gsplashy/Qsplashy and Splashy. This
makes it easier for RPM-based distros to build Splashy and keep us LSB
compliant! (Thanks Rehan Khan)
* Translations are going well, we now have 4 full translations (es sk fr de)
[2]. I got some suggestions to open a translation project on
Launchpad.netto get more attention from translators. If anybody knows
or has ideas on
getting translators to help us, let me know.

Now, another very important change is that we have new developers added to
Splashy on Alioth!

* Fathi Boudra (aka fabo) our QT Master in house!
* Elliot Peele (aka elliot) Bug Squashing Master. You might recall the
wonderful bug hunting/squashing done by the guys from RPath Linux
* Mark Walling (aka mwalling) AMD64 and above all, SlackWare master. Helps
throw some light into the oldest and one of the most respected Linux distros

With that and the re-appearance of old faces (Andrew Williams (aka mistik1)
from splashy_update.c fame is back!), we hope to have 0.3.7 iron out pretty
quickly. Andrew is our in house Gentoo guru, so, we might get some nice step
scripts done for that distro.

Please take some time to update our roadmap[3] with things that you would
like to see in Splashy 0.4. At the rate that we are going with releases, we
should be paying attention to major features as well as our bug-fixing
point-releases. Hey, I still want to see a 3D fire-breathing penguin while I
boot my system! This is Linux, and our video cards are mostly doing nothing
at boot. GL Splashy is definitely the ultimate eye-candy.

I have to say that I'm very happy with the way that Splashy is moving
lately. We will need to take some time and update our AUTHORS file and
shuffle some names around plus add the new ones. For the old devs who have
been dormant for some time, this is your time to speak up. I think is time
that we start removing some of the old devs from the Alioth project page
(which will effectively remove access to our SCM -- git). So, if you are
still breathing and you don't want to loose your repo writing rights, please
speak up.

Thank you all for all your help in making Splashy the best boot-splash
system around!


1. http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/wiki/developers#subprojects
2. http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/i18n
3. http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/wiki/roadmap

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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