[Splashy-devel] compiling against directfb 1.0.1

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Wed Oct 3 20:13:43 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 23:04:18 -0400
"Luis Mondesi" <lemsx1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Tim,
> It seems that src/Makefile.am duplicates the linking with directfb and
> libtool removes it when "splashy" is about to compile, which in turns
> results in the library being linked in the wrong order, and the build
> process fails!
> I was able to pin point the problem (thanks to Guillem) to the following
> line in src/Makefile.am:
> libsplashy_la_LIBADD = -lglib-2.0 -lsplashycnf -ldirectfb
> I removed it (for now) and commit it. Guillem advised me that this will
> create run-time problems with programs that link against libsplashy.

Yes, and we have those. If we're going to use splashy from initramfs,
maybe we'd better compile splashy dynamic too, than we don't have this
ordering problem.

> Can you figure out a better way to include this library when linking
> libsplashy and at the same time not to interfere with splashy_LIBADD ?

I'll look at it.

> I have next to /dev/null understanding on how the whole
> symbols/libraries/etc works... One of these days I'll write a simple lib and
> see the whole process ;-)

Without libtool, things are much simpler.

grts Tim
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