[Splashy-devel] splashy on ubuntu 8.04

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 23:32:32 UTC 2007

On 10/29/07, Vincenzo Ampolo <vincenzo.ampolo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> things in ubuntu seems that are going to change...
> One of the main target of the next release is to improve the bootsplash:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/boot-messages
> in the wiki someone already said to include splashy instead of usplash.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootMessages
> let me know what you think about this...
> --
> Vincenzo Ampolo
> http://vincenzo-ampolo.net

We believe is a matter of time before usplash gets dropped in favor of
Splashy. Since before bootsplash.org was abandoned, Splashy has been
the choice of many Linux integrators and distributions. The idea of
having a very small binary that uses XML files for its configuration
and themes is just genius don't you think? No need for silly
compilation of .so "libs" to be included as "themes" and it supports a
plethora of features that usplash would just never do (using the
current libraries as backend).

And besides, Splashy is built on Debian/Ubuntu as its primary OS. So
it already supports all the features that the existing usplash does.
What else you want? It's time to stop duplicating efforts and all
gather behind a single, extensible, boot splash system that just works
well for everybody (and it's completely free/open).

Thanks Vicenzo for the information. Keep up the good work!

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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