[Splashy-devel] Bug#459447: Bug#459447: Splashy Udev problem - one fix

John Hughes john at Calva.COM
Mon Apr 7 08:45:49 UTC 2008

joshua shaw wrote:
> Yesterday I installed Splashy 0.3.8-1 after upgrading from Stable to
> Testing.  Installation went well, but when I rebooted I had no mouse
> control in X.  If I started without passing the splash to the Kernel
> then everything worked fine, except no splash.
> After some fiddling around I was able to solve the problem by:
> mv /etc/rcS.d/S03udev /etc/rcS.d/S02udev
> Now udev starts before splashy and everything works fine.  Now if I
> could just get udev to load faster :)
Isn't this really bug #473112, i.e. the lsb-base-logging.sh breaks udev

So the fix would be the patch from Alban Browaeys:

--- lsb-base-logging.sh.orig	2008-03-28 13:28:53.000000000 +0100
+++ lsb-base-logging.sh	2008-03-28 13:26:57.000000000 +0100
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
     # Splashy code 
     # send log to splashy. it will show if F2 is pressed
-    pidof splashy > /dev/null && splashy_update "scroll $1: $2"
+    pidof splashy > /dev/null && splashy_update "scroll $1: $2" || true
     # Stop splashy on *dm
     case $2 in 

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