[Splashy-devel] Bug#496621: Bug#496621: The screenshot

Matthijs Kooijman matthijs at stdin.nl
Tue Aug 26 09:51:39 UTC 2008

Hi Marek,

> In case you overlooked them:
> At the far left there are 3 stripes, then another three between the
> Iceweasel and the Claws-Mail icons, then three in the middle, another
> three to the right and finally four at the far right.
Ah, I had indeed overlooked those, I was expecting screen-wide stripes.

What do you do exactly to get this effect? Is it after a normal boot, after
dehibernate, etc. Does it happen if you switch to a console, run 'splashy
test' and then switch back to X11 (with or without quitting splashy first)?

Also, could you provide some more details about your graphics hardware and
framebuffer setup?

Output of "lspci -v", "cat /proc/fb" and "cat /proc/cmdline" would be a start,
I think.

If you have any other machines running the same or different hardware, can you
reproduce the issue there?


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