[Splashy-devel] Bug#483714: FW: Bug#483714: Bug#483714: [splashy]

Sedat Dilek sedat.dilek at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 16 13:45:48 UTC 2008

Hi Mark,

thank you for your help to encourage people to join/continue bug-hunting.
In the meantime I and Carlo clarified the things via private Email.
As you can read, Carlo did a 2nd bug-report (this one was not pushed
in my spam-folder).
Last, I guess it might also be a problem with the (my)

Have-a-good-tea (instead of Cheers),

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Mark Walling <mark at markwalling.org> wrote:
> Since I apparently can't spell "splashy", I'll resend this for every one's
> reading pleasure.
> -M
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Walling [mailto:mark at markwalling.org]
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:58 PM
> To: Carlo Aquilini; splasy-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Subject: Re: [Splashy-devel] Bug#483714: Bug#483714: [splashy]
> Carlo Aquilini wrote:
>> Don't worry I won't loose my time anymore reporting bugs about your
>> packages.
>> Il giorno dom, 15/06/2008 alle 14.51 +0200, Sedat Dilek ha scritto:
>>> Just an info:
>>> Your Email was quarantine in my Gmail-SPAM directory.
>>> -SD
> No, please continue to contribute to the project. The developers (and the
> other lazy guys who just idle in the IRC channel and have not done a git
> pull in months (me)) alone cannot find as many bugs as the larger community
> can. Bugs are a developers friend!!!
> -Mark
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