[Splashy-devel] Bug#497313: Bug#497313: Bug#497313: splashy: deb hooks don't rebuild initramfs for all installed kernels

Mark Hedges hedges at scriptdolphin.org
Tue Sep 2 17:29:07 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2 Sep 2008, Tim Dijkstra wrote:
> Well, this is what splashy used to do, but there were complains about
> this. Some people want to keep old initramfses around which are known to
> work. Also updating all initramfses could potentially take a very long
> time. It is now agreed, that all packages that want to alter an initamfs
> are now supposed to call the same command which by default only rebuilds
> the initramfs of the current kernel. If you do want to rebuild all
> initramfses on an updte you can configure update-initramfs-tools to do
> that. I do not know the configuration file by hard but you can probably
> find it easily under /etc/.

OK, well, 1, that's not what it did, and 2, that may break.

1) When I installed splashy with apt-get I was running my
custom kernel.  When I removed splashy I was running the
stock kernel, but it rebuilt initramfs for the custom
kernel.  So it did not "by default only rebuild the
initramfs of the current kernel."

2) What happens if I rebuilt the initramfs of kernel A to
include splashy, but then I boot kernel B and remove the
splashy package, then reboot to kernel A?  Won't the kernel
load the boot screen that was included?  But I've removed it
so what will happen after switching root?

I think there should be a splashy update that wraps
update-initramfs (or yaird or whatever you have selected)
and keeps track of which kernels have splashy installed.
Then `splashy_config -s theme` can call that automatically.
(That was something that took me a while to figure out that
I needed to do BTW.)  And when you uninstall it should look
up the kernels into which you've installed splashy, and
rebuild only those.


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