[Splashy-devel] Bug#497313: Bug#497313: Bug#497313: splashy: deb hooks don't rebuild initramfs for all installed kernels

Mark Hedges hedges at scriptdolphin.org
Wed Sep 3 18:03:18 UTC 2008

> As I said, there is the possibility to configure
> initramfs-tools to rebuild all initramfses on removal, why
> isn't that a solution for your use case?

Oh I see, I didn't get that.  That would work.

Maybe a debconf option for Splashy that lets the user choose
to configure it that way (non-default) would be a good thing
for average desktop users who would want splashy on for all
kernels but who don't want to mess with initramfs-tools
config files or don't know how.


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