[Splashy-devel] Bug#505270: confirm

Daniel Scharon daniel.scharon at uni-konstanz.de
Sat Jan 3 09:23:34 UTC 2009

Am Freitag, den 02.01.2009, 15:10 +1300 schrieb Jochen:
> I can confirm this bug on 2 of my systems. However for me
> the /etc/directfbrc does not fix the error.
> Cheers
> Jochen
I can confirm this bug as well, even with 0.3.13-1 the error persists.
The /etc/directfbrc hack doesn't work for me, too.
Some random information:
I purged and reinstalled: desktop-base, all 3 splashy packages,
libdirectfb, all of them with the latest versions.
My /tmp is on a tmpfs.
Splashy works _every time_ at shutting down and hibernation/resume.

All the best,
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