[Splashy-devel] Bug#519711: splashy: hard-coded dependency on libdirectfb-1.0-0

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 13:56:22 UTC 2009

Splashy has not been tested against newer version of libdirectfb. I know for
sure that libdirectfb 1.2 makes it segfault.

We will need to work on the transition anyway. I just have not have time
lately to work on this. Maybe this summer.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Adeodato Simó <dato at net.com.org.es> wrote:

> > This is a bit complicated. We will work on it.
> I’m curious. Why is it complicated?
> Thanks,
> --
> - Are you sure we're good?
> - Always.
>        -- Rory and Lorelai

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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