[Splashy-devel] Bug#545931: upstart: fails to boot with splashy

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Thu Sep 10 06:07:03 UTC 2009

Romain Beauxis wrote:
> Le mercredi 9 septembre 2009 22:48:07, Michael Biebl a écrit :
>> I've setup a test machine in virtual box and installed a standard sid
>>  system with sysvinit (not upstart).
>> I get the same hang at the end, so I assume this problem is not upstart
>>  specific but a splashy issue. Thus reassigning.
>> It could also be due to the recent reordering because of insserv/sysv-rc,
>>  maybe the splashy init scripts need to be updated in that regard.
> Well, splashy is working fine on my machine with sysvinit.

Hm, ok. Just figured that if I couldn't even get splashy to run on a stock sid
install with sysvinit it might be a more general splashy problem.

Let's see what the splashy maintainers have to say.
If it's indeed a upstart problem, I'd be interested to know what I can do about
that and how it is supposed to work.


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