[Splashy-users] Splashy and Ubuntu Edgy: fixed

Luis lemsx1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 18:47:46 CET 2006

Hello all,

For those of you wondering why Splashy stopped working with Edgy, here
is the answer:

Edgy uses a new system called "upstart" which allows applications to
be run in an event-driven way during boot. This allows processes to
start in parallel as well as "as needed" during boot, making the boot
process much faster!

The /etc/event.d/rcS event provided for compatibility reasons with
sysv style init scripts, have a bug in it. The script should read:

$> cat /etc/event.d/rcS
# rcS - runlevel compatibility
# This task runs the old sysv-rc startup scripts.

start on startup

stop on shutdown
stop on runlevel-2
stop on runlevel-3
stop on runlevel-4
stop on runlevel-5

# Note: there can be no previous runlevel here, if we have one it's bad
# information (we enter rc1 not rcS for maintenance).  Run /etc/init.d/rc
# without information so that it defaults to previous=N runlevel=S.
        set $(runlevel --set S || true)
        if [ "$1" != "unknown" ]; then
            export PREVLEVEL RUNLEVEL

        exec /etc/init.d/rcS
end script

After that Splashy works as usual. Just make sure that you remove
usplash from your system ;-).

I'm reporting this bug upstream (Ubuntu developers) and adding that to
our FAQ section in the wiki.


Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru

"Feliz el hombre que ha hallado sabiduria y el hombre que consigue
discernimiento, porque el tenerla como ganancia es mejor que tener la
plata como ganancia; y el tenerla como producto, [mejor] que el oro
mismo" (Prov 3:13-14).

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