[Splashy-users] splashy hangs system unless in verbose mode

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 00:06:31 UTC 2006

Hello Stefan,

On 2/24/06, Stefan Srdic <ssrdic at shaw.ca> wrote:
> Hi, I've installed splashy on Debian Etch. So far it works perfectly on
> poweroff/reboot. However, when I poweron the progress bar completes
> itself twice over, then once it's time for gdm to start up the system
> hangs.

Would you mind posting what version of Splashy are you using? Did you
compile it yourself or installed a package?

> THe only way I can boot up or reboot without a system hangup is to use
> the verbose mode. Any way I can fix this?

Weird... we might need to talk to you on IRC to find the source of that.

> I've found that by removing S01splashy-init in /etc/rc2.d gets rid of
> the progress bar completing itself twive over, but the system still
> hangs once gdm should start. How do I determine the cause of the hangup?

splashy-init will re-start splashy if it's not found to be running.
Something might be making it segfault at some point and then start
again at rc2.d (and you see the progressbar twice).

I'll look in the source to see if I find what happens when verbose
mode is off (autoverboseonerror right?)

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

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you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" --
Steve Jobs in an interview for MacWorld Magazine 2004-Feb

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