[Splashy-users] splashy hangs system unless in verbose mode

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 21:52:30 UTC 2006

Hello Stefan,

On 2/25/06, Stefan Srdic <ssrdic at shaw.ca> wrote:
> Luis M wrote:
> >Hello Stefan,
> >
> >
> >Would you mind posting what version of Splashy are you using? Did you
> >compile it yourself or installed a package?
> >
> >
> dpkg reports splashy version 0.1.8.svn3. I installed the debs from the
> splashy alioth repository, I've got the unstable packages installed
> since I'm running a testing release.

That's good. Just don't press F2 while splashy is running... i'm
working on that now.

> Would any of splashy's error's message show up in the bootlogd log files?

bootlogd logs everything printed to the console during boot... I'd not
be able to answer that. Splashy itself prints things to STDERR (not
STDOUT) when in error or debug. Not sure about bootlogd there... To be
safe you could modify splashy-init so that instead of calling: splashy
boot. it calls: splashy boot 2>&1. Which redirects STDERR to STDOUT.

Just be sure that your /var partition is part of the same disk that
your root uses /. If not bootlogd will log to the wrong place (and
when /var gets mounted it masks the earlier /var/log dir). Ol' issue.


Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

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