[Surfraw-commits] [surfraw] 08/08: Merge branch 'kyle/https-elvi' Cleaned up elvi and moved them all the https

jason ryan jasonwryan-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jul 21 23:53:19 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jasonwryan-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository surfraw.

commit c8a682066f4fa991b88c20bb0acd695779bee852
Merge: 2e0ef03 3ec69e3
Author: Jason Ryan <jasonwryan at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jul 22 11:51:54 2017 +1200

    Merge branch 'kyle/https-elvi'
    Cleaned up elvi and moved them all the https

 ChangeLog              |  19 ++++-
 README                 |  16 ++---
 elvi/Makefile.am       |  15 +---
 elvi/alioth            |   4 +-
 elvi/amazon            |   4 +-
 elvi/archpkg           |   4 +-
 elvi/arxiv             |  12 ++--
 elvi/bing              |   4 +-
 elvi/bugzilla          |  17 +++--
 elvi/cablesearch       |  31 --------
 elvi/cisco             |   6 +-
 elvi/comlaw            |   4 +-
 elvi/commandlinefu     |   2 +-
 elvi/ctan              |   4 +-
 elvi/currency          |   4 +-
 elvi/debbugs           |   6 +-
 elvi/debcodesearch     |   4 +-
 elvi/debcontents       |   8 +--
 elvi/deblists          |   8 +--
 elvi/debpackages       |   4 +-
 elvi/debpts            |   6 +-
 elvi/debsec            |   4 +-
 elvi/debwiki           |   2 +-
 elvi/deja              |   6 +-
 elvi/deli              |  26 -------
 elvi/discogs           |   4 +-
 elvi/dmoz              |  81 ---------------------
 elvi/ebay              |   4 +-
 elvi/f5                |   4 +-
 elvi/foldoc            |   4 +-
 elvi/freebsd           |  34 ++++-----
 elvi/freshmeat         |   4 +-
 elvi/fsfdir            |   4 +-
 elvi/gcache            |   6 +-
 elvi/genbugs           |   4 +-
 elvi/genportage        |   4 +-
 elvi/gmane             |   2 +-
 elvi/google            |   2 +-
 elvi/gutenberg         |   4 +-
 elvi/jamendo           |   4 +-
 elvi/jquery            |   4 +-
 elvi/lastfm            |   4 +-
 elvi/leodict           |   4 +-
 elvi/lsm               |   6 +-
 elvi/macports          |   2 +-
 elvi/mdn               |   2 +-
 elvi/musicbrainz       |   6 +-
 elvi/mysqldoc          |   2 +-
 elvi/netbsd            |  22 ++----
 elvi/nlab              |   6 +-
 elvi/ntrs              |   6 +-
 elvi/openbsd           |  78 +-------------------
 elvi/openports         |  58 ---------------
 elvi/opensearch        | 191 -------------------------------------------------
 elvi/oraclesearch      |   2 +-
 elvi/pasearch          |  78 --------------------
 elvi/pgdoc             |   2 +-
 elvi/phpdoc            |   2 +-
 elvi/pin               |   2 +-
 elvi/piratebay         |  11 +--
 elvi/priberam          |   4 +-
 elvi/pubmed            |   4 +-
 elvi/rae               |   4 +-
 elvi/rfc               |   8 +--
 elvi/rhyme             |  61 ----------------
 elvi/rpmsearch         |  99 -------------------------
 elvi/scholar           |   4 +-
 elvi/scicom            |  32 ---------
 elvi/scirus            |  23 ------
 elvi/scpan             |  24 ++++---
 elvi/slashdot          |   4 +-
 elvi/slinuxdoc         |   2 +-
 elvi/sourceforge       |   4 +-
 elvi/springer          |   4 +-
 elvi/stack             |   6 +-
 elvi/stockquote        |  12 ++--
 elvi/thesaurus         |  10 +--
 elvi/translate         |   8 +--
 elvi/urban             |   4 +-
 elvi/w3css             |   4 +-
 elvi/w3html            |   6 +-
 elvi/w3link            |   4 +-
 elvi/w3rdf             |   4 +-
 elvi/wayback           |   4 +-
 elvi/webster           |   4 +-
 elvi/wetandwild        |  27 -------
 elvi/wikipedia         |  49 ++-----------
 elvi/wolfram           |   2 +-
 elvi/worldwidescience  |   4 +-
 elvi/yacy              |  73 -------------------
 elvi/yahoo             |   4 +-
 elvi/yandex            |   4 +-
 elvi/youtube           |   4 +-
 elvi/yubnub            |  26 -------
 links.IN               |  13 ----
 test/Makefile.am       |  20 +++---
 test/cablesearch.test  |   2 -
 test/deli.test         |   1 -
 test/dmoz.test         |   2 -
 test/netbsd.test       |   2 -
 test/openbsd.test      |   4 --
 test/openports.test    |   2 -
 test/opensearch.test   |   4 --
 test/oraclesearch.test |   2 +-
 test/pasearch.test     |   8 ---
 test/rhyme.test        |   2 -
 test/rpmsearch.test    |   2 -
 test/scicom.test       |   1 -
 test/scirus.test       |   2 -
 test/scpan.test        |   2 +-
 test/stockquote.test   |   2 +-
 test/w3css.test        |   4 +-
 test/w3html.test       |   2 +-
 test/w3link.test       |   2 +-
 test/wetandwild.test   |   3 -
 test/wikipedia.test    |   4 --
 test/yacy.test         |   4 --
 test/yubnub.test       |   2 -
 118 files changed, 256 insertions(+), 1245 deletions(-)

diff --cc ChangeLog
index 133c678,fdd55b0..ae2c7f3
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@@ -1,7 -1,20 +1,24 @@@
 +2017-06-07  Jason Ryan <jasonwryan at gmail.com>
 +	* new elvi: wiktionary
+ 2017-07-14  Jason Ryan <jasonwryan at gmail.com>
+ 	* Moved all elvi to https
+ 	* Removed elvi that don't support https:
+ 		- cablesearch
+ 		- dmoz
+ 		- openports
+ 		- opensearch
+ 		- pasearch
+ 		- rhyme
+ 		- rpmsearch
+ 		- scicom
+ 		- scirus
+ 		- wetandwild
+ 		- yacy
+ 		- yubnub
  2015-09-13  Kyle Isom <kyle at imap.cc>
  	* use awk instead of sed for listing elvi
diff --cc README
index 89e47f3,312bd10..7d4ad7b
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -212,10 -211,8 +211,13 @@@ debsec          -- Search the Debian Se
  debvcsbrowse    -- Browse the VCS repository for a Debian package
  debwiki         -- Search the Debian Wikis (wiki.debian.org & women.debian.org/wiki)
  deja            -- Search usenet using Google Groups (groups.google.com)
- deli            -- Search Delicious bookmarks
  discogs         -- Search the Discogs database of music information (www.discogs.com)
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +dmoz            -- Search the Open Directory Project web directory (dmoz.org)
 +duckduckgo      -- Securely search the web using duckduckgo (duckduckgo.com)
+ duckduckgo      -- Securely search the web using duckduckgo (www.duckduckgo.com)
++>>>>>>> kyle/https-elvi
  ebay            -- Search the Ebay auction site
  etym            -- Look up word origins at www.etymonline.com
  excite          -- Search on Excite (www.excite.com)
@@@ -287,9 -277,7 +282,8 @@@ w3link          -- Check web page link
  w3rdf           -- Validate a RDF URL with the w3c RDF validator (validator.w3.org)
  wayback         -- Search The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine for a URL (archive.org)
  webster         -- Look up word in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (www.m-w.com)
- wetandwild      -- Real time weather information (many sources)
  wikipedia       -- Search the free encyclopedia wikipedia
 +wiktionary      -- Search the free multilingual dictionary (wiktionary.org)
  woffle          -- Search the web using Woffle (localhost:8080)
  wolfram         -- Ask questions of the computational knowledge engine
  worldwidescience -- Search for science with www.worldwidescience.org
diff --cc elvi/Makefile.am
index 325bea7,d554014..9c41f00
--- a/elvi/Makefile.am
+++ b/elvi/Makefile.am
@@@ -117,9 -107,7 +107,8 @@@ dist_elvi_SCRIPTS	= 
  		  w3rdf \
  		  wayback \
  		  webster \
- 		  wetandwild \
  		  wikipedia \
 +		  wiktionary \
  		  woffle \
  		  wolfram \
  		  worldwidescience \
diff --cc links.IN
index 14f1f88,ae53c84..dc12a4c
--- a/links.IN
+++ b/links.IN
@@@ -108,9 -98,7 +98,8 @@@ elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/w3link.1sr.g
  elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/w3rdf.1sr.gz
  elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/wayback.1sr.gz
  elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/webster.1sr.gz
- elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/wetandwild.1sr.gz
  elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/wikipedia.1sr.gz
 +elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/wiktionary.1sr.gz
  elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/woffle.1sr.gz
  elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/wolfram.1sr.gz
  elvi.1sr.gz @mandir@/man1/worldwidescience.1sr.gz

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/surfraw/surfraw.git

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