[Surfraw-commits] [surfraw] annotated tag surfraw-2.3.0 created (now eeb1e98)

jason ryan jasonwryan-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 25 22:17:24 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jasonwryan-guest pushed a change to annotated tag surfraw-2.3.0
in repository surfraw.

        at  eeb1e98   (tag)
   tagging  f146c739c3df2a708753842bbc7883e29b17fd0d (commit)
  replaces  surfraw_2-2-5_1
 tagged by  Jason Ryan jasonwryan at gmail.com
        on  Fri Jan 26 11:17:06 2018 +1300

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Bump version to 2.3

Ian Beckwith (265):
      Bumped version to 2.2.6 Fixed bookmark handling - only take first if
      debian/control: update vcs- fields to point to new git repo
      new elvi: debvcsbrowse
      added .gitignore
      update changelog
      update docs for cvs->git switch
      fix elvi perms
      Fixed tests: excite, pgpkeys, javasun. ebay(my)
      New elvi: genbugs (thanks to Nick White).
      * surfraw-bash-completion.IN: enable extglob so completion
      update changelog
      Implemented XDG basedir spec for global config
      Implemented XDG basedir spec for local config
      Implement XDG basedir spec for bookmarks
      use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/surfraw/elvi or $HOME/.config/surfraw/elvi for local elvi
      sr -elvi: revert indenting of elvi list, it messes with tabs
      install global config files to @sysconfdir@/xdg/surfraw
      update ChangeLog
      Document config changes in README and ChangeLog
      * Fix debsec (patch from Moritz Muehlenhoff) (Closes: #550741).
      test/Makefile.am: add debvcsbrowse.test to EXTRA_DIST
      Standards-Version: 3.8.3 (no changes)
      Makefile.am: install-data-hook: remove execute flag from generated files surfraw.conf, elvi.1sr & surfraw.1.
      Link explicitly to version of xdg basedir spec we implement
      fixed aur.test
      fixed debpts.test
      fixed lastfm.test
      fixed cia elvis
      Added examples/uzbl-load-url-from-surfraw, thanks to Sumant Oemrawsingh.
      Updated uzbl-load-url-from-surfraw to use new bookmark locations.
      fix references to uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw in docs, I spelt it with "-"
      support -o | -o=FILE to dump to stdout or FILE, using curl, wget or GET (from libwww-perl)
      Applied patch from Sumant Oemrawsingh to strip "GLOBAL ELVI"
      present_menu(): use awk(1) instead of cut(1), so tabs in bookmark files are handled correctly
      examples/uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw: Add '.IN' suffix and dependency
      Makefile.am: add examples to SUBDIRS
      Fix 'make distcheck':
      update ChangeLog for "make distcheck" changes
      debian: remove Conflicts/Replaces: surfaw
      * New elvi, thanks to Sumant Oemrawsingh:
      new elvi: youtube
      New elvi: acronym, gcache (google cache). Thanks to fittabile at lifegate.it
      surfraw.IN: only list local elvi if $localelvidir contains files.
      README: update elvi list and surfraw options
      configure.in, HACKING: specify automake-1.11
      New elvi: debpkghome: view home page of a debian package.
      new elvi: finkpkg
      surfraw.IN: w3_parse_args: avoid bogus initial space in w3_args
      new elvi: macportspkg
      new elvi: rpmsearch: search various rpm-based distros
      renamed macportspkg to macports: old name was too unwieldy
      freebsd: new options -psearch=TYPE -psection=SEC to conduct a search of type TYPE in section SEC of ports.
      specify default portsearch type & section
      freebsd: add examples of -psearch
      netbsd: new option -ps to search ports
      openbsd: new option -ps to search ports
      finkpkg: document env vars in -help
      finkpkg: rename vars from *_fink_* to *_finkpkg_*
      macports, rpmsearch: document env vars in -help
      cia, pubmed: fixed tests.
      updated NEWS
      test/Makefile.am: add missing tests to EXTRA_DIST.
      examples: only install README and uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw, not *
      surfraw.1.IN: document new config locations.
      New elvi: bing, thanks to tczy.
      Added options for aur elvi. Patch from Ivy Foster.
      Update AUTHORS. Add a note to appendix 1 of HACKING about updating AUTHORS.
      untabify AUTHORS
      W: fix test
      yahoo: fix test
      lower required version of automake to 1.10
      prebuild: try and find a sane set of autotools, then call autoreconf -vi
      remove autotools-generated files from repo. use ./prebuild to regenerate
      Add autotools-generated files to .gitignore
      test/Makefile.am: fix bookfinder typo, add bing.test
      * runtests: explicitly use elvi and config from source tree,
      HACKING, README, test/README: document autotools and test suite changes.
      bump version to 2.2.7
      extend copyright to 2010
      * Makefile.am: add surfraw.conf to BUILT_SOURCES so it is
      debian: bump standards-version
      cnn: fix URL. cnn.test: disable, needs javascript
      runtests: don't give explicit path to elvi so tricksy tests like woffle work
      debian: add ${misc:Depends} to dependencies
      runtests: fix typo
      remove unused "-quiet" option
      runtests: fix formatting
      runtests: fix typo in regexp
      new elvi: scroogle & duckduckgo
      Fix tests: excite, javasun, musicbrainz, yahoo.
      updated NEWS
      debian/changelog: close #577263
      test/Makefile.am: add {duckduckgo,scroogle}.test to EXTRA_DIST
      updated NEWS
      test/Makefile.am: fix missing t on pgpkeys.test
      New elvi: jamendo. Thanks to Simone Fittabile
      wikipedia, ixquick: support SSL. Patch from Simone Fittabile
      wikipedia: tweak Simone's patch to support https for start page and document the SURFRAW_wikipedia_ssl variable.
      ixquick: support -nossl
      fix javasun.test
      debwiki: remove -w, Debian Women wiki is now being merged into main wiki. Thanks to Simone Fittabile.
      debwiki.test: stop testing -w, removed
      surfraw.IN: change an awk to @AWK at .
      configure.in: test for google-chrome, opera and links2.
      tweak NEWS
      Fixed tests: deblists google openbsd.
      uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw: fix menu. Thanks to Sumant Oemrawsingh.
      * new elvi: yandex. Thanks to Uspenskiy Andrey.
      debian tweaks
      openbsd: support -misc and -tech. Thanks to Sunil Nimmagadda for the patch.
      yahoo: reduced query string to just p and n options.
      new elvi: scirus
      new elvi: scitopia, worldwidescience
      removed altavista - now just a frontend to yahoo
      removed cddb: gracenote removed web site search
      removed fast: now just another yahoo frontend
      imdb: fix test
      fixed javasun and w3link
      tweaked AUTHORS
      updated build system for added/removed elvi; named yandex test file correctly
      * Support -local-help, --local-help or -lh to get elvi-specific
      uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw: pick up preferred awk implementation with @AWK@
      w3_url_escape: add /g to quote all "/", not just the first
      fix wayback: rip out advanced search + options, just use basic search
      arxiv: apply patch from MT <mt_void at warpmail.net>
      New elvi: pasearch - by jakob at pipefour.org
      New elvi: ddg, openports, cablesearch by Kyle Isom <coder at kyleisom.net>
      chmod +x elvi/{openports,ddg,cablesearch
      test/Makefile.am: fix typo
      replaced duckduckgo elvi with kyle's more functional version
      renamed variables, etc in duckduckgo to match new name (current version originally came from Kyle's ddg)
      remove traces of ddg, now it is merged with duckduckgo
      cablesearch: remove stub w3_parse_option_hook
      elvi/Makefile.am: add cablesearch and openports
      cablesearch, duckduckgo, openports: adjust "elvis:" header
      update AUTHORS: Add kyle, update Moritz's address, remove duckduckgo from list of elvi I wrote
      update ChangeLog
      debian/rules: hardcode AWK as awk to avoid dependency on specific awk
      links.IN: fix cablesearch typo
      debian/control: Standards-Version: 3.9.1
      debian/control: surfraw-extra: convert Conflicts: to Breaks:
      debian/source/format: explicitly specify 1.0 source format
      opensearch-discover: fix man page synopsis typo
      Patch from Kyle Isom <coder at kyleisom.net> fixing many tests
      lastfm: fix url to avoid space-mangling redirect
      debbugs: add -s as an alias for -search=src
      (finally) update copyright year to 2010
      remove traces of port elvi from build system
      pgpkeys: add more options, support more keyservers, default to sks-keyservers.net.
      new elvi: bugzilla
      bump version to 2.2.8
      test/Makefile.am: add cablesearch.test
      update NEWS for 2.2.8
      add "plus fixes" to kyle's AUTHORS entry
      opensearch: -r uses redirector at http://erislabs.net/ianb/webtools/opensearch/
      wikipedia: -d: use redirector at http://erislabs.net/ianb/webtools/wpdp/ to search wikipedia and deletionpedia
      debian: move /usr/lib/surfraw/opensearch from surfraw-extra to surfraw, adjust deps/breaks
      google: support videos, maps, news, -i, -v, -m, -n
      debcontents, debpackages: update docs for new arches and distributions
      bugzilla: fix url, enable redhat
      ixquick, w3css: fix tests
      opensearch, wikipedia: add redirector tests
      bugzilla: add redhat to docs
      Added Google Translate to elvi/translate
      google: added -safe= option for safesearch
      README: documented pentadactly and uzbl integration, upcased section headings
      surfraw.IN: if elvi doesn't exist, send usage to stderr not stdout.
      surfraw.IN: bookmark names: do exact match not substring match.
      archpkg: add options. Thanks to Jason Ryan for the patch
      Default to surfraw_graphical_remote=no, as chromium doesn't support "-remote openURL".
      fixed tests: debwiki, ntrs, wayback
      fixed ctan
      w3link: fixed URLs
      musicbrainz: update to current URLs and options, add more tests
      codesearch: fixed URLs and options.
      rpmsearch: Fixed URLs, options and tests
      debian: bump Standards-Version, tweak Description
      debian: close #628683 in changelog
      updated NEWS
      removed filesearching elvi, refuses to work without refer[r]er header
      add note to changelog about codesearch weirdness
      tweak NEWS
      scitopia, worldwidescience: fixed URLs.
      support POSIX make. removed Makefile.include
      yandex: fix test
      ./configure --disable-opensearch: only operate on dependencies not opensearch itself
      fix more make(1) portability problems
      tweak make fix to use $>
      sigh, bsd doesn't have $<, gnu doesn't have $>. Trying $?
      Makefile.am: use $? in submit-lsm rule, remove long-commented-out sourceforge stuff
      arxiv: fix -scope=author with single-word queries.
      netbsd: fix normal and mail searches: switched to standard google search with site:
      fix cia
      tweak NEWS + debian/changelog for release
      debian/rules: add build-arch and build-indep targets
      new elvi: priberam. Thanks to Paulo Almeida <paulo at diasalmeida.com>
      new elvi: pin by Jason Ryan
      new elvi: f5 and cisco, by Shain Singh <shain.singh at gmail.com>
      surfraw.IN: test_elvi(): tweak sed regex
      test/Makefile.am: add missing tests to EXTRA_DIST
      remove scroogle: site gone
      fix: slashdot, fsfdir, github, ixquick, lastfm, leodict, openbsd(partially)
      fix elvi: cisco, slinuxdoc; fix tests: acronym, bbcnews, bugzilla, cisco, cite, currency, discogs, excite, gcache, imdb, scholar
      tweak changelog
      Merge branch 'master' into 2.2.9_release_candidate
      * Rewrote deblists for new xapian search.
      removed happypenguin
      happypenguin: remove test from tests/Makefile.am
      refix cite test
      javasun: fixed test
      musicbrainz: fix mbid search
      springer: fixed test
      debian: bump version and standards-version
      untabify AUTHORS
      debian: document yandex fix
      rae: fix URL
      fixed ctan
      genportage: use gpo.zugaina.org
      new elvi: debcodesearch
      fix debcodesearch test filename
      bump master version number to 2.2.9
      jamendo: fix url, disable test
      deli: fix url;remove options;disable test (search now javascript)
      new elvi: jquery (trivial, no options)
      w3_custom_search; new elvi: mdn, phpdoc, mysqldoc, pgdoc
      google: change -g to -G; cisco: fix
      replace sunonesearch with oraclesearch
      alioth: disabled test, hates LWP but otherwise works
      ask: fix
      discogs: fixed test
      openbsd: fix test
      mdn, mysqldoc, pgdoc, phpdoc: added tests
      Removed documentation for SURFRAW_customsearch_provider=ixquick
      document custom search configuration
      add -custom-search= as a command line option
      untabify NEWS
      mdn: add custom search usage
      update NEWS and AUTHORS
      new elvi daringly named S: uses w3_custom_search for searching
      update copyright years to 2013
      update debian/copyright
      tweak AUTHORS
      Replaced phpdoc with version posted back in 2011 by Jon Yamokoski <jon at jonyamo.net>. Thanks, and apologies for missing it!
      S: add test
      Debian packaging now included in release
      NEWS: note about fink being down temporarily
      tweak NEWS
      fix rae
      harmonise skip messages
      new elvi: yacy
      yacy.test: add to Makefile.am
      surfraw.IN: w3_custom_search_google: don't give full path to surfraw; wayback,pgdoc: fix tests
      debian: decrease version number to 2.2.9-1~rc1
      test/Makefile.am: add S.test; debian: tweak copyright
      debian: source format 3.0 (quilt); move ~rc1 to upstream part of version number
      new elvi: gmane;fix elvi: openbsd; fix tests: ads, pgdoc, pin, yacy (but test 1 still fails, yacy down hopefully temporarily)
      deja: disable tests, needs javascript
      update NEWS: fink is back
      removed codesearch and scitopia, both services shutdown
      debian: revert to actual release version in changelog
      yandex: disabled test: wants captcha
      Fix make distcheck: remove last traces of codesearch and scitopia.
      update timestamp in NEWS; debian: update vcs-browser
      debian: bump standards-version to 3.9.5
      fix some tests

Ivy Foster (10):
      Added `-ns|-newscreen' switch
      elvi/aur now uses HTTPS by default.
      Keep duckduckgo's -l[ucky] from clobbering -lh
      Fix a typo in duckduckgo code.
      Updated changelog with recent changes
      Updated searchable bookmarks.
      Removed -p from elvi/duckduckgo.
      Further simplified searchable bookmarks
      Updated ChangeLog
      Actually add examples/hooks.lua

James Rowe (10):
      Support per-user elvi in ~/.surfraw.d.
      elvi/bbcnews: Fixes for upstream's search changes.
      New elvi: bugmenot, thanks to Ivy Foster.
      Support for using tmux as $SURFRAW_screen.
      elvi/imdb: Fixes for upstream search changes.  Thanks to Sadako.
      New elvi: bookfinder, thanks to Ivy Foster.
      Added Sumant Oemrawsingh to AUTHORS.
      bookfinder: fix ISBN search test.
      genpkg: removed, use genportage.
      Update build system and docs for the new ads elvi.

Jameson Rollins (2):
      New elvis to search SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
      Improve printing of elvi list

Jason Ryan (39):
      New elvi: archwiki, stack, deli
      Cliki and Cite elvi & tests updated
      Merged cite.test conflict
      Bugmenot and f5 updated
      Fixed javasun test
      Merge branch '2.2.9_release_candidate' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/surfraw/surfraw into 2.2.9_release_candidate
      Updated various elvi and their tests
      Updated debcontents and debpts
      Fixed tests for cisco, ddg, excite & javasun
      Added new elvis: nlab
      New elvis: nlab
      Fixed images and maps in yandex
      Added commandlinefu elvis
      Applied Lucas Hoffmann's whitespace fixes
      Sourceforge search URL change
      New elvis: searx
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/surfraw/surfraw
      Updated searx author details
      Updated with ng0's author info
      Updates W-Y and associated tests
      Elvi cleanup: S-U
      Merge branch 'kyle/https-elvi' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/surfraw/surfraw into kyle/https-elvi
      P-R elvi cleanup
      N-O cleanup
      Applied Tadas' ddg patch
      Added new elvis: wiktionary
      Removed yacy test
      Tidied up last of the https move
      Delicious is defunkt
      P-R elvi cleanup
      N-O cleanup
      Removed yacy test
      Tidied up last of the https move
      Delicious is defunkt
      Merge branch 'kyle/https-elvi'
      Remove lynx-cur as per Bug#882286
      ng0's patch to include bash completions
      Mark Meyer's patch to select Perl version at build
      Updated for 2.3.0 release

Kyle (1):
      Add STYLE guide.

Kyle Isom (22):
      New elvi: wolfram (kyle isom <coder at kyleisom.net>)
      Update github support.
      Add support for searchable bookmarks.
      Fix safe search in duck duck go.
      Update AUR, rae, and yandex elvi.
      Add lua hooks for surfraw integration with elinks.
      Update ChangeLog.
      Remove bashism from yandex elvi.
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/surfraw/surfraw
      really remove bashism from elvi/yandex
      Correct an issue/bug on the new searchable/multiple bookmarks.
      add several new browsers to the configure check
      Use awk instead of sed for listing elvi.
      Elvi cleanup (a-c).
      Elvi cleanup (d-f).
      Clean up the dmoz and cablesearch removals.
      Elvi cleanup (g-m).
      Elvi cleanup (d-f).
      Clean up the dmoz and cablesearch removals.
      Elvi cleanup (g-m).
      Clean up the dmoz and cablesearch removals.
      Elvi cleanup (g-m).

Manolo Martínez (1):
      Added an example integrating sr and elinks

Sara Fauzia (1):
      fix archpkg URL

Thomas Zervogiannis (2):
      Added searchable bookmarks
      Simplified searchable_bookmarks

jason (1):
      Default to $BROWSER if no listed ones found

jasonwryan (10):
      New elvi: github
      New elvi: github
      Merge ssh://git.debian.org/git/surfraw/surfraw
      Fix #680138 changed URLs in rae elvis
      Fix #690615 bashism in yandex elvis
      Merge branch 'github-elvis'
      Revert "Merge branch 'github-elvis'"
      Removed bug tracker query
      Removed other providers
      Updated piratebay and test


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/surfraw/surfraw.git

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