[Tahoe-debian] Packaging news

bertagaz at ptitcanardnoir.org bertagaz at ptitcanardnoir.org
Sun Jun 5 11:24:05 UTC 2011


I had hard times to follow up on uploading tahoe when I told I'd do so. But
I wasn't really inactive to be fair, so I thought a mail to keep everyone
up to date would be a good thing. :)

Before uploading the package, I wanted to test it, to be sure to upload
something that would work.

Everything was almost well on the tahoe side, it just made me realize that
tahoe needed to have its dependency on python-foolscap raised, to fix the
"secure connection" bug : http://foolscap.lothar.com/trac/ticket/174.
This is now pushed on the package repo.

It also appeared that I missed two lines of the ubuntu (crappy) diff.gz
for the python-zfec package. This two lines are the one that removes the
dependency on pyutil, which itself depends on zbase32, none of them being
packaged into debian. :/

So actually, uploading tahoe would result in a non working service,
because of missing dependencies on the zfec side.

So I plan to upload a new python-zfec that would fix this dependencies
error patching the sources as ubuntu did, then upload tahoe itself.

This is minor change, so it should be quick to do. I'll do some tests
again, but I'm pretty confident that it will work smoothly.

I'll send a mail as soon as the packages will be uploaded.


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