[Tahoe-debian] python-pycryptopp dependency?

micah micah at riseup.net
Mon Jun 13 15:37:53 UTC 2011

I just tried to create a new tahoe client, and it failed because it
requires python-pycrptopp >= 0.5.20, but debian only has 0.5.17 right

tahoe at algae:~$ tahoe create-client .
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/tahoe", line 2, in <module>
    from allmydata.scripts import runner
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/allmydata/__init__.py", line 369, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/allmydata/__init__.py", line 367, in check_all_requirements
    raise PackagingError(get_error_string(errors, debug=True))
PackagingError: We require pycryptopp >= 0.5.20, but could only find version 0.5.17.
The version we found is from '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6'.
To resolve this problem, uninstall that version, either using your
operating system's package manager or by moving aside the directory.

For debugging purposes, the PYTHONPATH was
install_requires was
  ['setuptools >= 0.6c6', 'zfec >= 1.1.0', 'simplejson >= 1.4', 'zope.interface', 'Twisted >= 2.4.0', 'foolscap[secure_connections] >= 0.6.1', 'Nevow >= 0.6.0', 'pycrypto == 2.0.1, == 2.1.0, >= 2.3', 'pyasn1 >= 0.0.8a', 'mock', 'pycryptopp >= 0.5.20']
sys.path after importing pkg_resources was

What should we do with this problem? We could upgrade python-pycryptopp
in Debian, its maintained by Zooko, I'm sure he wouldn't mind...



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