[Teammetrics-discuss] Trangely named project

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 01:37:57 UTC 2015

Hello Andreas,

>    debian-astro-maintainers
>    pkg-swan-devel
> (and others which are not affected) to listinfo.conf which resulted in
> teammetrics=# SELECT distinct project from listarchives where project ilike '%week%' order by project;
>              project
> ----------------------------------
>  debian-astro-maintainers-Week-of
>  pkg-swan-devel-Week-of

I think we know what is happening (and it's not us!):

If you see http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-swan-devel/,
you will see the name of the archives are -- for whatever reason --
prefixed with "Week-of-Mon" for the two lists
(debian-astro-maintainers and pkg-swan-devel).

For all other lists, the archive names are (sample:
YYYY-MM.txt.gz, in which case our parser works fine.

So, for these two lists, the best way is to fix them manually because
their archives are using this format.

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