[Utnubu-discuss] Collaboration between Ubuntu and Debian on the Ubuntu side: a proposal

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Tue Jan 24 07:52:48 UTC 2006

On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > As such, if a maintainer doesn't respond to bugs from DCT, I believe that
> > DD within DCT certainly could/should NMU the package. :-)
> NMU is for more serious bugs only though. It's not a simple problem.

Well, as usual, if the NMU is announced beforehand, it's certainly not a
problem. The NMUer is "only helping" the maintainer.

> I think some additional requirements of the MOTUs are also needed;
> while the DCT page describes "mode 1" being Ubuntu developers submitting
> to the Debian BTS on a volunteer basis, Debian developers are already
> expected to do better than that when working with their upstream.
> I think more needs to be expected of the MOTUs.

Given that the Debian maintainer has the choice between the two modes I
fail to see why we need to require more from the MOTU.

I do agree with Lucas, better write something that can be done, than
something that should be done and that we know that it won't be achieved.

A compromise in the wording may be to say that "IF the team has spare
resources while already keeping up with all the packages in mode 2, they
will select other diverged packages and will contact the Debian maintainer
with a first serie of patches in the hope to start a 
collaboration on the basis of mode 2". Or something like that.

Raphaël Hertzog

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