[Utnubu-discuss] Re: Ubuntu patches as RSS feeds

Gustavo Franco gustavorfranco at gmail.com
Thu May 25 12:59:03 UTC 2006

On 5/25/06, Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 May 2006, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> > >This is already planned for the "mail part" of the PTS. There's a new
> > >"derivatives" keyword that user can set to receive automatically news of
> > >their packages in derivatives like Ubuntu. Ubuntu has agreed to send
> > >updates (with debdiff) of their packages to the PTS in that way and I
> > >expect this to be completed in a few weeks (once Dapper is released).
> > >(...)
> >
> > Turn Utnubu Scottwatcher[0] obsolete this way is pointless IMHO.
> You're not clear in your sentence. Yes the new thing that I discussed with
> Ubuntu will be better than your scottwatcher because we will have a single
> patch for each update AND the global patch of scott's repository.

I was clear, pointing out that you were going to do almost the same
thing that i did with scottwatcher. Btw, if they merge scottwatcher
features adding that in their infrastructure it will be possible to do
the "single patch" thing, and the unique reason why turn scottwatcher
obsolete makes sense from what you said. Why not inform me to stop
scottwatcher anyway, if you think there's something better coming from
their camp?

> > They should do patch triage and open bugs in our BTS (manually yes).
> You can't impose work on anyone and they made it clear that they have no
> time for that. That's why Utnubu is also here, to get the best out of
> their work.

Sure, that's why i said *they should*.

-- stratus

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