[Utnubu-discuss] How to package an utnubu listed package "the right way"?

Marcos Torres Marado Marcos.Marado at sonae.com
Thu May 15 20:49:25 UTC 2008


As you can see in http://bugs.debian.org/481078 , I recently
submitted an ITP for the "konq-kim" package, one of those
packages that exist in Ubuntu but not in Debian. I searched
in the wiki, but I found nowhere any sort of guidelines on how
 to deal with doing a new Debian package that already exists
in Ubuntu.

This particular package have some good changes made by
Ubuntu that would be nice to have in Debian but that aren't in
upstream (I don't know if they were submited, I think I
could/should do that), also I think we would benefict in using
the Ubuntu package as a base, and that Ubuntu would benefict
with the process of making this package into Debian since, for
instance, at the moment it pops some lintian warnings that
would be fixed.

So, what are your suggestions? Should I contact the Ubuntu
maintainer? What should I purpose?

Marcos Marado

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