michael_hill at tutopia.com.br
michael_hill at tutopia.com.br
Tue Aug 22 00:56:18 CEST 2006
Attn, My Dear Friend.
Longest time, i hope all is well together with your
family,if so glory be to God almighty.Well,Sorry to hear
this news andunderstand that the fault is not from me.I'm
happy to inform you aboutmy success in getting those funds
transferred under the cooperation of anew partner from
paraguay.Presently i'm in Paraguay for investment projects
with my own share of total sum.
meanwhile, i didn't forget yourpast efforts and attempts
to assist me in transferring this fundsdespite that it
failed us some how.Now contact my secretary in Benin his
name is Mr Frank Tony on his e-mail address stated below;
(E-mail;...s_frank_tony02 at yahoo.fr)
Ask him to send you thetotal Amount of $800,000.00 u.s
dollars which i kept foryour compensation for all the past
efforts and attempts to assist me inthis matter. I
appreciated your efforts at that time very much. So
feelfree and get in touched with my secretary Frank Tony
and instruct him where to send the check because i told
him that you will come and pick the check up but if you
cant afford to go down there your self meanwhile you will
send him your contact information to enable him mail the
check to you as soon as you send him your information
1.Your Full Name................................
2.Your Home & Offie Address...............
3.Your Office & Home Tel Phone...........
4.Your Country Location..........................
5.Sex...........& Age...............................
So that he will submit it to the couriercompany where i
directed him for the check to be sent to your designated
address without any delay.Please do let me know
immediately if youreceive it so that we can share the joy
after all the sufferness at thattime ok, In the moment, Im
very busy here because of the investmentprojects which me
and the new partner are having athand,finally,remember
that I have forwarded instruction to thesecretary on your
behalf to instruct the courier company to send thecheck to
you as soon as you send your details information without
delay,so feel free to get in touch with Mr Frank Tony he
will informcourier to send the check immediately to you
without any delay as iinstructed him to do.
Thank you and may God Bless you.
Best Regards,
Barrister.Michael Hill Esq
CONTACT HIM VIA THIS (E-mail;...s_frank_tony02 at yahoo.fr)
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