[Utnubu-maintainers] Bug#460311: timer-applet: has problems with special chars in preset names

Philipp Kern pkern at debian.org
Fri Jan 11 23:43:18 UTC 2008

Package: timer-applet
Version: 2.0.1-1

timer-applet seems to have problems with special chars in preset names.
I used some umlauts and they are displayed wrongly after
deserialisation.  I suspect some charset issues as it is not specified
at the start of the XML configuration file.

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
 .''`.  Philipp Kern                            (proud) Debian Developer
: :' :  http://philkern.de                              Ubuntu MOTU
`. `'   xmpp:phil at 0x539.de
  `-    finger pkern/key at db.debian.org
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