[Utnubu-maintainers] INFORMATION,

Peter Uche peteruche8 at ig.com.br
Sun Nov 22 21:49:25 UTC 2009


*Good day, How are you today? I am writing to inform you that I have Paid
the delivery fee for your Certified Bank Check to be delivered directly at
your doorstep. And I went to the bank to confirm if the Cheque has expired
or getting near to expire and Dr.Ibrady Usman the foreign operation Director
of Financial Trust Bank Plc, told me that before the cheque will get to your
hand that it will expire.*

*So I told him to covert the ($950,000.00) Dollar's in an ATM CARD cash
payment to avoid losting this funds.However, all the necessary arrangement
of delivering the ($950,000.00) Dollar's in ATM CARD was made with HOME LAND
SECURITY NET-WORK here in Cotonou Benin Republic? Because i was told that
through their correspondent in the USA that you will receive your ATM CARD
savely.Mr.Ibrady Usman the Director of Financial Trust Bank Cotonou have
packaged the sum of ($950,000.00) Dollar's in ATM CARD to your favour.*

*Then he also helped me to Register the ATM CARD with HOME LAND SECURITY
NET-WORK for save keeping. Thank God very much for all the movement I made,
every thing goes smoothly.*

*As for our agreement with the HOME LAND SECURITY NET-WORK they promised
that your ATM CARD will leave this Country as soon as you provide the
necessary information to enable them deliver your ATM CARD directly to your
your doorstep ,as the Director of the HOME LAND SECURITY NET-WORK Mrs.
Favour Mathin's said that they need your contacts informations to enable
them locate you immediately the Diplomats arrived to your Country.Please
write a letter of application to the given address below including the below
registration number, independent/mtm/ped/214/2009*
*ATTN: MR.Kennedy Gurty
EMAIL: gurtykennedy at yahoo.in*

*Please, Send them your contacts information to enable them locate you
immediately they arrived in your country with your ATM CARD .This is what
they need from you.*


Mr Peter Uche*
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