[Utnubu-maintainers] From: Stan Benson

stanbensonfromsydney30 at gmail.com stanbensonfromsydney30 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 13:42:06 UTC 2009

                   From: Stan Benson

Reply to: stanbenson.mail at gmail.com

I hope this mail finds you well. My name is Stan Benson from Sydney,  
Australia, I am an EC patient, I am presently hospitalized and my doctor  
says I have about a few months to live, and I desire to stay within the  
confinement of my hospital room and live out my last days on earth quietly.  
I asked that my hospital room be equipped with a laptop so that I can take  
care of some outstanding issues. One of which is my desire to finance the  
establishment of a charity organization, and also donate some money to  
cancer research institutes and other deserving charity organizations, so I  
decided to go online and find some one remotely afar who can receive the  
funds and establish the charity and also disburse some of the money to  
cancer research institutes and other deserving charity organizations. Do  
pardon me for contacting you through such means, if you are interested in  
my offer; just send an email to me through my email  
(stanbenson.mail at gmail.com) by doing so I will be able to reply your mail  
as soon as possible.

By the way the full meaning of (EC) is Esophageal Cancer, and don't mind  
the time taken from your busy schedule to work with me on this sole act of  
charity, because you will surely be compensated. Just get in touch with me  
as soon you get my mail and I will send you more details.

Kind Regards,

Stan Benson

I've invited you to fill out the form From: Stan Benson. To fill it out,  

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